



Parrots are among the most remarkable and distinctive birds among people. Talking parrots differ among themselves in their ability to remember words, there are types that remember some words and others, such as the budgie, can remember and repeat about two thousand words. Parrots are distinguished in the professional imitation of things. In Australia, for example, it was noted that parrots that were used as ornamental birds contributed to the transmission of the same culture when it was combined with other types of birds.There are many types of parrots, especially the talking ones. There are the African gray parrot, the Quaker parrot, the budgie parrot, the yellow Amazon parrot, the Eclectus parakeet, the Indian parakeet, the monk’s parakeet, and the Hill Mina parakeet.Parrots prefer to live in warm places to live in cold places, and they have sharp beaks that they use to eat grains, seeds, some fruits and insects, and sometimes swarms invade and eat oil palm crops, which raises the concern and fear of farmers. The length of the parrot is about 33 cm, and it lives for years. Many of them can live for many years, up to eighty years, and the beholder can confuse the male and female due to the similarity of the colors of their feathers, and it is worth mentioning the presence of certain colors associated with some regions of the world such as the parrots of the Amazon region, which are characterized by their green feathers, or a parrot The region of Mexico in Central America, which is characterized by its bright yellow feathers, and parrots generally become aggressive in the breeding period due to the struggles that the males wage to win the female.